Minneapolis’ Preferred Stimulant Addiction Treatment Center

Burkwood Treatment Center helps individuals struggling with a stimulants addiction build a strong foundation for long-term recovery. Located near Minneapolis – St. Paul, Burkwood is the leading provider of alcohol and drug abuse treatment for adults.

Learn More About Stimulant Addiction Recovery

Learn about stimulant addiction & rehab at Burkwood Treatment Center

Stimulants are a category of psychoactive substances that provide users with an intense but typically short-lasting burst of improved mood, increased energy, intense focus, and enhanced self-confidence. The category of stimulants includes prescription medications such as Adderall and Ritalin, common legal substances such as caffeine and nicotine, and illegal drugs such as methamphetamine and cocaine. The combination of the intensity and brevity of the impact of stimulant abuse means that individuals who abuse stimulants for recreational purposes often feel compelled to abuse these substances over and over again, often within a brief period of time. This behavior can lead to a variety of negative outcomes, including addiction, overdose, and death.

When a person develops a stimulant use disorder, he or she may neglect or abandon other important parts of life in order to focus on acquiring and using the drug. People who have become dependent upon stimulants such as amphetamine, methamphetamine, and cocaine will continue to abuse these drugs even after experiencing negative repercussions as a direct result of previous use. With these types of stimulants, such negative repercussions can include physical health damage, psychological distress, social setbacks, and legal problems.

Without professional intervention, stimulant use disorder can be extremely difficult to overcome. However, at addiction rehab center near Minneapolis & St. Paul, Minnesota, we have decades of experience working with people who have struggled with dependence upon cocaine, amphetamine, methamphetamine, and other stimulants. We have developed specialized programming proven to be effective at helping people end their abuse of these dangerous drugs and learn how to live healthier stimulant-free lives.

Help a Loved One

Helping a loved one or family member get into rehab for stimulant addiction near Minneapolis & St. Paul, MN

Learning that someone you care about has been abusing or has become dependent upon cocaine, methamphetamine, or another stimulant can be a disconcerting experience. Stimulant use disorder is a serious and potentially lethal problem. But the situation is not hopeless, and you can play a vital role in getting your loved one into treatment. Please consider the following:

  • Educate yourself about stimulant abuse. Study the ways that your loved one’s drug of abuse can impact his or her mind and body. Learn about how stimulant addiction affects an individual’s ability to function and learn about instances in which detoxification may be beneficial at the start of one’s treatment process.
  • Research the types of treatment that have helped others who were experiencing problems similar to what your loved one is going through, and identify specific addiction rehab treatment that provides the type and level of care that your loved one needs.
  • Verify the rehab center you are looking into offer comprehensive services that will address any co-occurring disorders that your loved one may be experiencing. Substance abuse rarely occurs in a vacuum.
  • Get help for yourself. If possible, enlist other loved ones to assist you. You should not feel as though you alone are responsible for helping your loved one. A small group of close friends and/or family members is ideal.
  • Learn how to talk to someone about addiction. Consult experts and visit reputable websites to learn how to have this conversation. Prepare yourself and your small group of trusted friends and family members prior to talking to your loved one. Remain focused on the important objective of getting your loved one into stimulant addiction rehab.
  • When your loved one has agreed to get into rehab, provide whatever practical support you can so that he or she can focus on getting better. Handling transportation, appointments, childcare, and meal preparation can ease the stress in your loved one’s life and help him or her to focus on getting better.

If your loved one’s rehab center has services for family members and/or close friends, take part of these opportunities if you can. Your loved one will need your continued support during and after he or she is in treatment. Prepare yourself and those who are helping you to be sources of support for your loved one in the months and years to come.

Why Consider Us

Why consider treatment for stimulant addiction at our addiction rehab center

Chronic stimulant abuse can have a devastating impact on an individual’s life. Depending upon the specific stimulant that a person has been abusing, potential health damage can include heart problems, respiratory distress, and muscle weakness. Prolonged stimulant abuse has also been associated with the development of anxiety, paranoia, and delusions. People who are continually under the influence of stimulants will not be thinking clearly or exercising good judgment, which may put them at risk for physical harm and legal problems, including arrest and incarceration. The volatile mood swings that can result from ongoing stimulant abuse and addiction can strain families to their breaking point and can disrupt friendships, professional alliances, and other interpersonal relationships. Stimulant use disorder may cause a person to prioritize substance abuse over academic success, occupational advancement, and even continued employment. Individuals who fail to get effective professional help to overcome stimulant use disorder are likely to experience financial problems, social withdrawal, diminished self-esteem, and hopelessness. By choosing to enter a rehab center, an individual can stop the pain, begin to repair the damage and learn to live a life free from the constraints of stimulant abuse and addiction.

Types of Treatment

Types of stimulant addiction treatment offered at Burkwood

For over 20 years, our residential rehab center near Minneapolis & St. Paul, Minnesota has provided the individualized care needed to help men and women overcome the complex disease of addiction. Our renowned residential treatment center is located in Hudson, Wisconsin, and through the use of evidence-based treatment protocols, thousands of individuals have been able to achieve the sober lives they deserve to be living after receiving care at our center.

Our staff of dedicated and experienced professionals, many of whom are highly trained in the 12-Step philosophy and trauma-based interventions, provide ongoing support and strive to help each person entrusted into our care reach his or her treatment goals. We aim to improve the lives of those who have had their lives impacted by addictions to stimulants, and we customize our treatment to meet each participant’s needs. By electing to receive care at Burkwood, each man and woman will have a uniquely tailored treatment plan that details the specific interventions that will enable him or her to leave substances abuse in the past. The following interventions are those that make the recovery process at Burkwood one that is distinctive and truly transformative:

Medication management services: Some of the participants who receive care at our center also struggle with co-occurring mental health conditions at the same time as an addiction to stimulants. For such cases, Burkwood employs a contracted psychiatrist who can assess the need for medication and can prescribe this form of treatment when it is deemed necessary to help in the alleviation of mental health symptoms. If a participant is prescribed medication, our mental health technicians, and nursing staff monitors the safety and effectiveness of any medications administered.     

Individual therapy: A man or woman in recovery can greatly benefit from being able to process his or her experiences while in treatment. As a rehab center dedicated to offering superior care, Burkwood provides its participants with weekly individual therapy sessions so that they are able to talk through emotions, share feelings, and learn new skills that will allow them to overcome an addiction to stimulants.

Group therapy: Cornerstone to care supplied by our rehab center is group therapy. At Burkwood, participants working to recover from the stimulant use disorder are able to further their progress when they have the support of others who understand firsthand the challenges associated with recovery. Led by our staff of devoted counselors, group therapy sessions occur daily, and the following types of groups are among those included in participants’ daily schedules:

  • Goals group
  • Primary group
  • Didactic activity group
  • Big Book Study
  • Banking  
  • Community meetings
  • Meditation group
  • Advanced guided imagery group
  • Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A.) speaker meetings
  • Recovery advocates psychoeducational group
  • Gestalt/analogy-based therapeutic plays

MAAEZ Program: The Making Alcoholics Anonymous Easier, or MAAEZ, Program is a six-week intervention featured at our addiction rehab center. This treatment model takes place in a group format and assists participants with acclimating themselves to the 12-Step philosophy of treating addiction. Our staff will help those entrusted into our care as they navigate the 12-Steps and can provide them with the invaluable support needed to achieve sobriety after battling an addiction to stimulants.

Way of Life System: A method of care unique to our center as well as the Minneapolis & St. Paul, Minnesota area, the Way of Life System is a treatment option enabling participants to transition through each stage of their recovery by learning to manage their emotions and cognitions in a healthier manner. At Burkwood, we want to give our participants every advantage when it comes to achieving their rehab goals, and this method of care is proven to help men and women by exposing them to various addiction treatment modalities and disciplines that can help them overcome stimulant use disorder.  The Way of Life System includes a manual and audio guides that participants can use to maximize their treatment experience in a meaningful way.

Family therapy: In order to help our participants mend the relationships they have with their family members and other loved ones, our rehab center is able to facilitate family therapy sessions on an as-needed basis. When partaking in family therapy, men and women and the individuals in their primary support networks can work to overcome the turmoil an addiction to stimulants has caused and restore their bonds with one another.   

Recreational activities: Given the picturesque community near Minneapolis & St. Paul, Minnesota in which Burkwood is located, we provide opportunities for participants to take part in recreational activities while recovering from stimulant abuse and addiction. We also designate time for men and women to attend church services if they choose to do so, and we offer the following activities for the men and women who seek care at our center:

  • Gender-specific yoga
  • Movies
  • Opportunities to exercise at the Knowles Center
  • Nature outings at Willow River State Park

The treatment experience at our residential rehab center is highly customized, with participants receiving not just tailored treatment plans but also a great deal of individualized attention as they work towards achieving their recovery goals. During the treatment planning process, the aforementioned methods of care are carefully selected when formulating plans for treatment, and the types of interventions included can be added or modified to meet participants’ needs.

Once an individual is nearing the end of his or her time at our rehab center, our staff will create a discharge plan that will outline the recommended follow-up services that will enable participants to remain successful once they have returned to their respective communities.

In choosing our residential rehab center near Minneapolis & St. Paul, Minnesota as the place to overcome an addiction to stimulants, men and women alike will become part of a dynamic community of individuals who are supportive and encouraging in the fight against addiction. If you or your loved one would like to learn more about our programming, feel free to contact us at your convenience. At Burkwood, a new beginning awaits.